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Linux Terminal and Vim: An Integration Guide

5 minute read

Introduction Productivity tools on Linux often include both a status line and a prompt. The function of a status line is to display important information relevant to the program’s current context, and a prompt identifies where a program is expecting some input from the user. Some good application examples that utilize these features include the Linux shell and Vim.

Ansible Lab setup with Vagrant

7 minute read

Introduction Ansible is an open-source, powerful, and simple tool for client-server and network device automation. Ansible is agent-less, which means nothing to install on a client only Python is installed and SSH is enabled on the remote host.

Vagrant with VMware Workstation

2 minute read

Introduction Vagrant is for virtual machines what Docker is for containers. Vagrant is a wrapper for different hypervisor programs like VMware Workstation Pro, VMware Player, VirtualBox, Hyper-V, VMware vSphere, etc. Vagrant uses a simple text-based configuration file called Vagrantfile to quickly set up a development environment with one of the supported virtual machine providers/hypervisors.

Part 03: Docker for Network Automation

6 minute read

Automation with Docker It was far easier to learn how to use Docker than to dive into all the details of an application. Using Docker allows you to leverage pre-built, ready-to-use container images. If an application consists of multiple components (i.e. a database, a front-end and a back-end) you can deploy multiple containers and link them.

Part 02: Docker for Network Automation

10 minute read

Docker networking overview lab In Docker networking, we will learn some basic concepts and prepares you to design and deploy your applications to take full advantage of these capabilities.

Part 01: Docker for Network Automation

5 minute read

What is Docker? Docker is software that runs on Linux and Windows. It creates, manages, and can even orchestrate containers. The software is currently built from various tools from the open-source project