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Python: How to use python-dotenv

1 minute read

Python-dotenv (Keep your secrets safe) Do you know how to keep your secrets safe during development and production? In this article, I am going to guide you on how to work with SECRETS and KEYS without exposing them to the outside world, and keep them safe during development.

Python: Network Automation with Napalm

4 minute read

What is Napalm? NAPALM (Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multi-vendor support) is a Python library that implements a set of functions to interact with different network device Operating Systems using a unified API. Unified API means the same code is used to configure multi-vendor devices.

Part 07: Ansible and YAML

2 minute read

YAML Introduction YAML is the abbreviated form of “YAML Ain’t markup language” is a data serialization language which is designed to be human-friendly and works well with other programming languages for everyday tasks. YAML is a less complex than XML or JSON and it allows you to provide configuration settings.

Part 06: Ansible Multi version Installation

1 minute read

Ansible and Python3 venv module This is a module shipped by Python3 to create a virtual environment, it creates and used python3 to build the environment. we are going to use this module and deploy multiple Ansible version on same control node, so that even if we have to contact the managed hosts with old python version or for some deprecated feature or any latest one, we are not bounded to dep...

Part 05: Ansible YAML Inventory Setting

1 minute read

Ansible Inventory YAML Format Our last inventory file was the INI format. There is also another format called .yaml or .yml which is more readable and may be required depending on the version of Ansible or module. Therefore, it is a good idea to learn how to create an inventory file in YAML format.

Part 04: Ansible Configuration and Inventory Setting

3 minute read

Ansible Configuration and Creating Inventory File Before we start using Ansible for network automation, there is one more step we need to prepare Ansible. That is preparing Ansible configuration file and inventory file.