Part 07: Ansible and YAML
YAML Introduction
YAML is the abbreviated form of “YAML Ain’t markup language” is a data serialization language which is designed to be human-friendly and works well with other programming languages for everyday tasks. YAML is a less complex than XML or JSON and it allows you to provide configuration settings.
YAML Basic Rules
- YAML files should end in .yaml or .yml.
- YAML is case sensitive.
- YAML does not allow the use of tabs, 2 spaces are used instead of tabs.
- Hash
is used as comments. - YAML files are supposed to start with three dashes
. - In general, YAML strings don’t have to be quoted, although you can quote them if you prefer.
- In some scenarios in Ansible, you will need to quote strings. These typically involve the use of
double curly braces
for variable substitution. - YAML has a native Boolean type and provides you with a wide variety of strings that can be interpreted as true or false, and not case sensitive,
YAML Basic Data Types
key-value Pair
A single value and a variable, it can be string, integer, float or bool.
max_retry: 100 # integer
database: user #string
pass: true # bool
date: 1990-02-06 14:33:22 # ISO 8601 standard for time and date
YAML dictionaries are like objects in JSON, dictionaries in Python, or hashes in Ruby. Technically, these are called mappings in YAML, but I call them dictionaries here to be consistent with the official Ansible documentation. They look like this:
name: cat
color: white
name: dog
color: black
YAML lists are like arrays in JSON and Ruby or lists in Python. Technically, these are called sequences in YAML, but I call them lists here to be consistent with the official Ansible documentation. They are delimited with hyphens, like this
# list
- name: Jack
- name: Syd
employee: ["Jack", "Syd"] # list
# complex list (mapping and sequence)
- name: Jack
age: 28
- name: Syd
age: 34
# complex list (mapping and sequence)
- {name: "Jack", age: "22"}
- {name: "Syd", age: "42"}
Line Folding and Break
When writing playbooks, you’ll often encounter situations where you’re passing many arguments to a module. You might want to break this up across multiple lines in your file, but you want Ansible to treat the string as if it were a single line, For example:
- name: Jack
age: 28
description: > # This is a single line
This is a 1st line
this is a not 2nd line and part of 1st line
this is a also part of 1st line.
You can also do line breaks with YAML by using the ( | )
character. The YAML parser will place line breaks.
- name: Syd
age: 42
signature: | # line breaks
E-mail - abc@abc